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The India Box Office Report: April 2023

The India Box Office Report: April 2023

The India Box Office Report: April 2023

Despite PS-2 crossing the ₹200 Cr mark, April 2023 was yet another underwhelming month at the India box office
Published on May 18, 2023   •   4 mins read
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By Our Insights Desk

  • Films released in April 2023 grossed only ₹618 Cr at the domestic box office, which is a notch lower than March 2023
  • The cumulative box office for Jan-Apr releases stands at ₹3,070 Cr, which is 22% lower than the same period in 2022
  • Ponniyin Selvan - PS2 emerged as the top film of the month by a wide margin, and features no. 3 on the list of top grossers of the year so far
  • As a result of PS-2's box office performance, the share of Tamil language has increased from 19% (Jan-Mar) to 22% this month

Our monthly feature The India Box Office Report tracks the performance of the various films released every month at the Indian (domestic) box office. Monthly reports are published on this website in the third week of the following month. If the numbers for your film do not match those in our report, we will be happy to get information from you on the same, and update the report. Our email ID is mentioned at the end of this report below.

This is the April 2023 edition of the report. You can access the previous reports in the Insights section of this website.

Cumulative Box Office: April 2023

Films released in April 2023 grossed only ₹618 Cr at the domestic box office, which is a notch lower than March 2023.


The cumulative box office for Jan-Apr releases stands at ₹3,070 Cr, which is 22% lower than the same period in 2022.  The last three months (Feb-Apr) have performed below par, after the year had taken a great start in January, largely driven by the success of Pathaan. On pro rata basis, 2023 can be estimated to gross ₹9,210 Cr, which is 13% less than 2022 (see our 2022 box office report).

Top 10 Films

The chart below lists the top 10 films released in April 2023, based on their box office performance in India.

Despite an estimated gross that's more than ₹100 Cr lower than the first film in the franchise, Ponniyin Selvan - PS2 emerged as the top film of the month by a wide margin, and features no. 3 on the list of top grossers of the year so far.

Language Share

For language share calculation, language-wise box office of films releasing in multiple languages is assigned to the corresponding language. However, for Hollywood, the data for all languages is reported under the language head ‘Hollywood’.


As a result of PS-2's box office performance, the share of Tamil language has increased from 19% (Jan-Mar) to 22% this month. The share of Kannada language stands at a low 3%, compared to 8% in 2022, a year that saw K.G.F: Chapter 2 and Kantara achieve blockbuster success.

How to read the numbers in this report?

Different language industries follow different reporting conventions (Gross, Nett or Share). We have used Gross Box Office as the unified measure for this report. For films releasing in multiple languages, collections are added up across languages to arrive at the film’s Gross Box Office at an all-India level.

Some films may be running in theatres at the time of publishing this report every month. For these films, Gross Box Office is estimated based on the latest trends available. Hence, it is normal that some numbers may be updated in the following month’s report, once actual collections have been estimated.

Numbers for a film are assigned to the month of its release, even if the business is spread over two or more months. For example, Pathaan released on January 25, 2023, and a sizeable component of the film’s business was registered in February 2023. However, in the analysis, Pathaan's entire box office has been credited to the month of January.

For feedback and inquiries, you can mail us at [email protected].

Box Office Indian Cinema Industry Reports
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