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Ormax Media Pvt. Ltd. Insights of Tamil Cinema

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Search Results for Tamil Cinema

Case Study: Effective introduction of a new genre

Case Study: Effective introduction of a new genre

An analysis, using data from Ormax Cinematix (OCX), on how Tamil film Amaran's marketing campaign helped the film open very well, by effectively introducing a new genre to audiences

Dimensionalizing stardom in Tamil and Telugu cinema

Dimensionalizing stardom in Tamil and Telugu cinema

An analysis of the personality profiles of top Tamil and Telugu male film stars decodes the idea of stardom in the South film industries, vis-à-vis Bollywood

Say No to 'Regional'

Say No to 'Regional'

In a country that has a rich and diverse content landscape, the word “Regional” has an unmistakable ring of condescension, subliminally cueing a hierarchical relationship

Stars India Loves: The Pan India edition

Stars India Loves: The Pan India edition

Who are the most popular male and female film stars in India, across languages? Based on analysis using data from our long-running track titled Ormax Stars India Loves, we have the answers!

Reel & real: The Southern mix

Reel & real: The Southern mix

In South cinema, the lines between the real life of a star and his role on the screen tend to blur, with references that only those in the know can understand and appreciate

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